I'm pleased to announce that I have an essay in the new collection FILM NOIR: THE DIRECTORS, the latest book edited by scholars Alain Silver and James Ursini. Since Silver and Ursini set the bar on noir studies with their earlier collections, I'm really excited to be included. The book covers the careers of thirty individual directors, from Robert Aldrich to Robert Wise, and I have an essay on the noir work of the little known craftsman Felix E. Feist (THE DEVIL THUMBS A RIDE, THE THREAT, THE MAN WHO CHEATED HIMSELF, TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY). Feist has been underrated for a long time now, and I did some of the first work on his career a while back for the Film Noir Foundation. To now publish the first comprehensive overview of his contributions to noir is a thrill for me.

I couldn't be more pleased with the book itself. It's 476 pages, packed with gorgeous photos. Just the work on my Feist section alone is beautiful. FILM NOIR: THE DIRECTORS is really an essential collection for any noir fan. Check it out.
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Here I leave this blog to take a look
aquí les dejo estos sitios que he encontrado para que les echen un ojo
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