Sunday, March 8, 2009

Abe Christopher's Widow

I have a new story up at the crime fiction website A Twist Of Noir. The story is called Abe Christopher's Widow. It's a pulpy piece of business, and I hope you'll check it out. You can find links to my other short fiction, all of the noir variety, on the list to your right.

There are a number of good sites out there for pulp fiction these days. The internet has become the new 25-cent rack (even more so, because it's free). There's a great sea of junk out there, of course, but there are gems in those dark depths as well.

Some good sites:

Beat To A Pulp

Plots With Guns

Pulp Pusher

The Back Alley



Paul D Brazill said...

Look forward to reading it. I'll check it out later today.

I'd add Powder Burn Flash and Darkest Before Dawn to your list too. There was a great Frankie bill story in DBD the other week.

David Cranmer said...

Thanks Jake!